Joint Success through Transparency – The SAB Credit Rating Label
Nothing causes more unease in business cooperation and the realization of joint projects than partners in economic crisis. Businesses do not get into difficulties overnight, but mostly insidiously and unnoticed.
Transparency is therefore particularly important in times of successive crises.
For companies like SAB-Austria, which are committed to transparency, there is now the possibility to provide their customers with an up-to-date credit rating free of charge and with just a few clicks.
The seal of KSV1870 distinguishes particularly trustworthy and financially stable business partners. With the SAB rating, the probability of payment default (Basel III) is classified as very low by KSV1870. At the same time, the default risk of SAB is far below the general Austrian average, and especially far below the industry average of the special machinery industry.
The creditworthiness label officially and outwardly demonstrates and confirms SAB’s continuous and economic stability as well as its professional business management.
For KSV creditworthiness reasons, there is therefore no reason whatsoever not to enter into a business relationship.
Here you can find the online credit rating of KSV1870: